Informed decision-making tips #1, use your brains…
Break your decision down step by step.
What are the benefits and risks? weigh out your options
Consider and make note of other alternatives. Explore them using the BRAINS acronym later is needed.
LISTEN TO YOUR INSTINCTS- consider what your gut has to say
What if I do NOTHING, Should I wait until I am in a better headspace to make this decision?


“Maybe I need a second opinion.”

If you have gone through all these steps and still don’t feel comfortable and confident in your decision, reaching out to a trusted professional may be a great idea.

Please Note:
The preferred way to contact us for this event is through our Contact Us form rather than those noted on the bottom of this poster.



We are incredibly honored to collaborate with the Women’s Sexual Assault Centre of Renfrew County to offer an important, bi-annual, online-only event called New Beginnings.

In attendance at this online-only event will be one of our wonderful doulas, RCD owner and doula, Chrissy Raddatz, as well as a counsellor from the Women’s Sexual Assault Centre of Renfrew County.

All participants are welcome to join with or without video.


Community Coffee Chat

Keep a close eye on our Facebook Page for information about our weekly Coffee With The Doulas – virtual meetings!


All participants are required to preregister and are free to have their video and sound on or off.
It’s a great opportunity to ask to questions and find fellowship among others in similar shoes.

Contact Us